The first freeride event of the winter is coming very soon. Mark the dates on your calendar: Crazy Freeride & Telemark Days on December 15 and 16, 2012. If you love skiing off piste and you've always wished to enter freeride areas accompanied by real mountain experts you can't miss this.

During the two days of the event you will go off piste with the mountain guides Giuliano Bordoni, Davide Spini, Fabio Salini, Bruno Mottini and Giovanni Ongaro. It's your occasion to try freeriding in safety and to learn from their experience and competence which expedients and rules of conduct use in the middle of an off slope situation.
The event is sponsored by Crazy Idea. The package includes freeride and telemark skis' free testing and on Saturday 15 the participation to the big party at the apres ski BeWhite.Info: Giuliano +39 348 8747912 - Davide +39 333 -
Pasta Party @ BeWhite dalle ore 20:30.FreeRide Night Party @ BeWhite dalle ore 22:00