Downhill Italy. The Champs' final in Bormio on September 13-14


Bormio Bike will end its first downhill season with a super event: the Grand Finale of the Italian Downhill Champs.
On September 13-14, 2014 hundreds of pro riders are awaited at Bormio's bike park to make a great show and fight for the prestigious title of national champ.

The race will take place in two runs: qualifying run on Saturday and Grand Finale on Sunday. The circuit, organized by Gravitalia and sponsored by Federazione Ciclistica Italiana, has been hosted by four other Italian resorts so far: Caldirola (AL), Sestola (MO), Abetone (PT) and Fai della Paganella (TN).


Saturday 13

  • 08:30 a.m. - free trials
  • 10:30 a.m. - assisted trials
  • 01:00 p.m. - top riders trials
  • 02:30 p.m. - qualifying run

Sunday 14

  • 08:30 a.m. - free trials
  • 11:30 a.m. - top riders trials
  • 01:00 p.m. - Grand Finale

For further information on the event:


© Bormio Ski Press

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