The new tracks of Bormio Bike


Three weeks ago Bormio Bike, the bike park at 3,000 meters, has opened its doors. During this short time, the park has been changing continuously but its transformation has not been completed yet and will proceed during August as well. The shapers Fabio and Filippo have been working with no break; shovel, pickax and rake, basically, have become their loyal and best friends. Pierino's excavator has never stopped and so far it has given us a lot of new kilometers of tracks. The downhill tracks Paul Newman and Viper are, in fact, entirely new.

The new tracks Paul Newman and Viper

The first one, starting from Cima Bianca at 3.012 meters, is a long winding track which is more demanding in the first part while is easier and faster in the second part. The surface is much stony and that took a lot of effort by the machines to get the smoothest job. The Paul Newman track is a lot of fun, it has a vertical drop of 356 meters, a max. gradient of 25° and its total length is 1,800 meters.

Paul Newman Track - Start from Bormio 3000 (3.012 m)

The second trail, other news of 2015, is the Viper. It is an easy track, characterized by wide curves and parabolics. The gradient is never too steep and it has a lot of flow. This kind of trail is perfect to improve your mountain biking skills and, at the sime time, to speed up and why not, give a try on the road gap. The view from up here also is stunning. The Viper track has a vertical drop of 400 m, a max. gradient of 19° and a total length of 2,100 m.

Viper Track - Start from Cimino (2.636 m)
Viper Track - Bormio Bike Park

The good ol' tracks of Bormio Bike

In addition to the new trails above mentioned, the bike park offers other two tracks, built in the summer of 2014. The most beloved track and, for sure, much fun is the Golf Club: a terrific trail within the woods and alongside the line of the ski lift Rocca Est. Wooden bridges and parabolic curves. The Golf Club has a vertical drop 349 meters, a max. gradient of 19° and a total length of 1,700 meters.

Certainly not so easy is the Panther track; technical, steep, with narrow passages and a final drop from a big rock. Reserved to expert bikers only. The Panther has a vertical drop of 40 m, a max. gradient of 30° and a total length of 400 m.

Golf Club Track - Bormio Bike Park
Pista Panther - Bormio Bike Park
Panther Track - Bormio Bike Park

Wait for the "pearl": the Zombie!

The real pearl of 2015 will be the Zombie, a.. scary trail! This track is already open but it has not been subject to the work of the excavator yet. For now, it is of freeride track in the woods, more than a downhill. Pierino and his excavator are waiting for the last permits and then they will be ready to attack it. The Zombie will be part of the Round # 4 of Gravitalia 2015 which Bormio Bike will be hosting on its final weekend, on September 26 and 27.

Zombie Track - Next excavator job for Bormio Bike

JULY 24, 2015

by Fabio Giacomelli

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